Coaching Methodology
Before starting any coaching mandate, there will be an initial complimentary meeting between coach and coachee to get to know each other. It is only after this meeting that both parties will decide whether they would like to work with each other in the context of a coaching mandate.
If so, the scope and objectives of the mandate will need to be clearly defined and agreed upon by all parties (coachee, the person who assigns the mandate – possibly the Boss or HR – and the coach). Once the scope and objectives are known, a coaching agreement with objectives and timelines is established.
The agreement is to be signed by coach and coachee and, in case of a tripartite agreement, also by the client who signs off on the agreement and pays the costs.
Starting the mandate
There will be an initial questionnaire for the coachee to complete to allow the coach some initial assessment of the starting point. All responses to this and other questionnaires will be strictly confidential.
Very often a mandate starts with 3 or 5 sessions. At the end of these sessions, a decision will need to be made in terms of a need to continue (in cases where the objectives have yet to be fully achieved), to stop (objectives achieved) or to start again with a sub-mandate or a new one.
Duration, frequency of sessions and pre- and post-session work:
Each session generally lasts between 2 and 4 hours at a frequency of two to four weeks between sessions.
Both parties, coach and coachee, will need to proceed with pre- and post-session work.
Before each coaching session, the coachee will have to fill in a pre-session questionnaire to reflect on the progress being made and come up with suggestions for subjects to cover in the upcoming session. The coach will make sure that both of the new specific subjects and the overall objectives of the coaching mandate are considered at all times.
A synopsis of the coaching sessions, featuring timelines, mandate objectives, subjects handled by session, pre- and post-session work, material distributed and action points, will be kept up-to-date at all times by the coach and shared with the coachee.
Terms and Conditions will be published separately; they are also available upon request.